
TransGen Biotech社 製品リスト

バイオロジカが提供するTransGen Biotech社の製品一覧。 こちらもご参照ください。

Free Samplesのご依頼はbiologica [at] biologica.co.jpへご依頼ください。


  1. PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, qRT-PCR関連

  2. Product NameCat. No.Specification
    TransFast®Taq DNA PolymeraseAP101-01500 units
    AP101-026×500 units
    TransFast® Taq DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP101-11500 units
    AP101-126×500 units
    EasyTaq® DNA PolymeraseAP111-01500 units
    AP111-026×500 units
    AP111-034×2500 units
    AP111-0410×5000 units
    EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP111-11500 units
    AP111-126×500 units
    AP111-134×2500 units
    EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase for PAGEAP112-012500 units
    AP112-024×2500 units
    EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase for PAGE (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP112-112500 units
    AP112-124×2500 units
    TransTaq®-T DNA PolymeraseAP122-01250 units
    AP122-02500 units
    AP122-036×500 units
    TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP122-11250 units
    AP122-12500 units
    AP122-136×500 units
    TransTaq® DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi)AP131-01250 units
    AP131-02500 units
    AP131-036×500 units
    TransTaq® DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi)(with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP131-11250 units
    AP131-12500 units
    AP131-136×500 units
    TransStart® Taq DNA Polymerase AP141-01250 units
    AP141-02500 units
    AP141-036×500 units
    TransStart® Taq DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP141-11250 units
    AP141-12500 units
    AP141-136×500 units
    TransStart®TopTaq DNA Polymerase AP151-01250 units
    AP151-02500 units
    AP151-036×500 units
    TransStart® TopTaqDNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP151-11250 units
    AP151-12500 units
    AP151-136×500 units
    EasyPfu DNA Polymerase AP211-01250 units
    AP211-02500 units
    AP211-036×500 units
    EasyPfu DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP211-11250 units
    AP211-12500 units
    AP211-136×500 units
    TransStart® FastPfu DNA Polymerase AP221-01250 units
    AP221-02500 units
    AP221-036×500 units
    TransStart® FastPfu DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP221-11250 units
    AP221-12500 units
    AP221-136×500 units
    TransStart® FastPfu Fly DNA Polymerase AP231-01250 units
    AP231-02500 units
    AP231-036×500 units
    TransStart® FastPfu Fly DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP231-11250 units
    AP231-12500 units
    AP231-136×500 units
    TransStart®KD Plus DNA PolymeraseAP301-01100 units
    AP301-02200 units
    AP301-036×200 units
    TransStart® KD Plus DNA Polymerase (with 2.5 mM dNTPs)AP301-11100 units
    AP301-12200 units
    AP301-136×200 units
    GC EnhancerAG101-01200 µl
    PCR StimulantAG111-01200 µl
    2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix ( -dye )AS111-011 ml
    AS111-025×1 ml
    AS111-0315×1 ml
    2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix ( +dye )AS111-111 ml
    AS111-125×1 ml
    AS111-1315×1 ml
    AS111-146×80 ml
    2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix for PAGE (+dye )AS112-111 ml
    AS112-125×1 ml
    AS112-1315×1 ml
    2×TransTaq®-T PCR SuperMix (-dye)AS122-011 ml
    AS122-025×1 ml
    2×TransTaq®-T PCR SuperMix ( +dye)AS122-111 ml
    AS122-125×1 ml
    2×TransTaq® High Fidelity(HiFi)PCR SuperMix I (-dye ) AS131-011 ml
    AS131-025×1 ml
    2×TransTaq® High Fidelity(HiFi)PCR SuperMix II (-dye)AS131-211 ml
    AS131-225×1 ml
    2×EasyPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )AS211-011 ml
    AS211-025×1 ml
    2×TransStart® FastPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )AS221-011 ml
    AS221-025×1 ml
    TransDirect®Animal Tissue PCR KitAD201-01100 rxns×20 µlSystems
    AD201-02500 rxns×20 µlSystems
    TransDirect®Plant Tissue PCR KitAD301-01100 rxns×20 µlSystems
    AD301-02500 rxns×20 µlSystems
    TransDirect® Blood PCR KitAD401-01100 rxns×20 µlSystems
    AD401-02500 rxns×20 µlSystems
    EasyScript®Reverse TranscriptaseAE101-0210000 units
    AE101-035×10000 units
    TransScript® Reverse TranscriptaseAT101-0210000 units
    AT101-035×10000 units
    TransScript® II Reverse TranscriptaseAH101-0210000 units
    EasyScript®First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAE301-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AE301-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    EasyScript® One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAE311-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AE311-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAT301-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AT301-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAT311-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AT311-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® Fly First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAF301-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AF301-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® -Uni One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAU311-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AU311-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® -Uni Cell to cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCRAC301-0125 rxns
    TransScript® miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAT351-0120 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® II First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAH301-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AH301-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® II One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMixAH311-0250 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AH311-03100 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCRAT321-0150 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal )AT341-0150 rxns×20 µl Systems
    AT341-02100 rxns ×20 μlSystems
    TransScript® II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCRAH321-0150 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal)AH341-0150 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMixAT401-01RT Systems/PCR Systems
    50 rxns×20 µl/80 rxns×50 µl
    TransScript® II Two-Step RT-PCR SuperMixAH401-01RT Systems/PCR Systems
    50 rxns×20 µl/80 rxns×50 µl
    EasyScript® One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix (+dye)AE411-02200 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix (+dye)AT411-02200 rxns×20 µl Systems
    TransScript® II One-Step RT-PCR SuperMix (+dye)AH411-02200 rxns×20 µl Systems
    Rinbonuclease InhibitorAI101-012000 units
    AI101-025×2000 units
    TransStart® Green qPCR SuperMixAQ101-011 ml
    AQ101-025×1 ml
    AQ101-0315×1 ml
    TransStart® Green qPCR SuperMix UDGAQ111-011 ml
    AQ111-025×1 ml
    AQ111-0315×1 ml
    TransStart® TopGreen qPCR SuperMixAQ131-011 ml
    AQ131-025×1 ml
    AQ131-0315×1 ml
    AQ131-0425×1 ml
    2×TransStart Top Green qPCR SuperMix(+DyeⅡ)AQ132-211 ml
    AQ132-225×1 ml
    AQ132-2315×1 ml
    AQ132-2425×1 ml
    2×TransStart Tip Green qPCR SuperMix(+DyeⅡ)AQ142-211 ml
    AQ142-225×1 ml
    AQ142-2315×1 ml
    AQ142-2425×1 ml
    TransStart®Tip Green qPCR SuperMixAQ141-011 ml
    AQ141-025×1 ml
    AQ141-0315×1 ml
    AQ141-0425×1 ml
    TransScript® Green Two-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ201-01RTSystems/qPCRSystems
    50 rxns×20 µl/300 rxns×20 µl
    TransScript®Green miRNA Two-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ202-01RTSystems/qPCRSystems
    20 rxns×20 μl/500 rxns×20 μl
    TransScript®II Green Two-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ301-01RTSystems/qPCRSystems
    50 rxns×20 µl/300 rxns×20 µl
    TransScript®  Green One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ211-01100 rxns×20 µlSystems
    AQ211-02400 rxns×20 µlSystems
    TransScript® II Green One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ311-01100 rxns×20 µlSystems
    AQ311-02400 rxns×20 µlSystems
    TransStart® Probe qPCR SuperMixAQ401-011 ml
    AQ401-025×1 ml
    AQ401-0315×1 ml
    TransScript®  Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ221-01100 rxns×20 μlSystems
    AQ221-02400 rxns×20 μlSystems
    TransScript®  II Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMixAQ321-01100 rxns×20 μlSystems
    AQ321-02400 rxns×20 μlSystems
    High Pure dNTPs (2.5 mM)AD101-011 ml
    AD101-025×1 ml
    High Pure dNTPs (10 mM)AD101-111 ml
    AD101-125×1 ml

  3. Restriction Enzyme

  4. FlyCutTM AvrIIJA101-0150 unitsFlyCutTM PstIJP101-015000 units
    JA101-02100 unitsJP101-0210000 units
    FlyCutTMBamHIJB101-015000 unitsFlyCutTM PvuIJP201-01250 units
    JB101-0210000 unitsJP201-02500 units
    FlyCutTM BglIIJB201-0110000 unitsFlyCutTM SacIJS101-011000 units
    JB201-022000 unitsJS101-022000 units
    FlyCutTM BsgIJB301-0150 unitsFlyCutTM SacIIJS201-011000 units
    JB301-02100 unitsJS201-022000 units
    FlyCutTM EagⅠJE101-01250 unitsFlyCutTMSalIJS301-011000 units
    JE101-02500 unitsJS301-022000 units
    FlyCutTMEcoRIJE201-015000 unitsFlyCutTMScaIJS401-01500 units
    JE201-0210000 unitsJS401-021000 units
    FlyCutTM EcoRⅤJE301-012000 unitsFlyCutTM SmaIJS501-011000 units
    JE301-024000 unitsJS501-022000 units
    FlyCutTMHindIIIJH101-015000 unitsFlyCutTM SpeIJS601-01250 units
    JH101-0210000 unitsJS601-02500 units
    FlyCutTM KpnIJK101-012000 unitsFlyCutTMSphIJS701-01250 units
    JK101-024000 unitsJS701-02500 units
    FlyCutTM NcoIJN101-01500 unitsFlyCutTM XbaIJX101-011500 units
    JN101-021000 unitsJX101-023000 units
    FlyCutTM NdeIJN201-012000 unitsFlyCutTM XhoIJX201-012500 units
    JN201-024000 unitsJX201-025000 units
    FlyCutTMNheIJN301-01500 unitsFlyCutTM XmaIJX301-01250 units
    JN301-021000 unitsJX301-02500 units
    FlyCutTM NotIJN401-01250 units
    JN401-02500 units

  5. DNA Molecular Weight Standards

  6. Trans2K® DNA MarkerBM101-01500 µl
    BM101-025×500 µl
    Trans2K® Plus DNA MarkerBM111-01500 µl
    BM111-025×500 µl
    Trans2K®BM121-01500 µl
    BM121-025×500 µl
    Trans5K DNA MarkerBM141-01500 µl
    BM141-025×500 µl
    Trans15K DNA MarkerBM161-01500 µl
    BM161-025×500 µl
    1Kb DNA LadderBM201-01500 µl
    BM201-025×500 µl
    1Kb Plus DNA LadderBM211-01500 µl
    BM211-025×500 µl
    100bp DNA LadderBM301-01500 µl
    BM301-025×500 µl
    100bp Plus DNA LadderBM311-01500 µl
    BM311-025×500 µl
    100bp Plus II DNA LadderBM321-01500 µl
    BM321-025×500 µl
    6×DNA Loading BufferGH101-015×1 ml
    GelStainGS101-01500 µl
    GS101-021 ml
    GS101-035×1 ml
    AgaroseGS201-01100 g

  7. Cloning and Mutagenesis System

  8. pEASY®-T1 Cloning KitCT101-0120 rxns
    CT101-0260 rxns 
    pEASY®-Blunt Cloning KitCB101-0120 rxns
    CB101-0260 rxns 
    pEASY®-T1 Simple Cloning KitCT111-0120 rxns
    CT111-0260 rxns
    pEASY®-Blunt Simple Cloning KitCB111-0120 rxns
    CB111-0260 rxns
    pEASY®-T3 Cloning KitCT301-0120 rxns
    CT301-0260 rxns 
    pEASY®-Blunt3 Cloning KitCB301-0120 rxns
    CB301-0260 rxns 
    pEASY®-T5 Zero Cloning KitCT501-0120 rxns
    CT501-0260 rxns 
    pEASY®-Blunt Zero Cloning KitCB501-0120 rxns
    CB501-0260 rxns
    pEASY®-Uni Seamless Cloning and Assembly KitCU101-0110 rxns
    IPTG GF101-011 ml
    X-gal GF201-011 ml
    AmpicillinGG101-011 ml
    Kanamycin GG201-011 ml
    Trans 10 Chemically Competent CellCD101-0110×100 µl
    CD101-0220×100 µl
    Trans5α Chemically Competent CellCD201-0110×100 µl
    CD201-0220×100 µl
    Trans 109 Chemically Competent CellCD301-0210×100 µl
    CD301-0320×100 µl
    Trans110 Chemically Competent CellCD311-0210×100 µl
    Trans1-Blue Chemically Competent CellCD401-0210×100 µl
    CD401-0320×100 µl
    Trans2-Blue Chemically Competent CellCD411-0210×100 µl
    CD411-0320×100 µl
    Trans1-T1 Phage Chemically Comptent CellCD501-015×100 µl
    CD501-0210×100 µl
    CD501-0320×100 µl
    DMT Chemically Competent CellCD511-0110×50 µl
    CD511-0220×50 µl
    TransStbl3 Chemically Competent CellCD521-0110×100 µl
    TransDB3.1 Chemically Competent CellCD531-0110×100 µl
    Fast Mutagenesis SystemFM111-0110 rxns
    FM111-02 20 rxns
    Fast MultiSite Mutagenesis SystemFM201-0110 rxns

  9. Nucleic Acid Purification

  10. BloodZolEE131-01For 50 ml Blood
    EE131-02For 200 ml Blood
    PlantZolEE141-01100 ml
    EasyPure®Genomic DNA Kit EE101-0150 rxns
    EE101-02200 rxns
    EasyPure® Genomic DNA Kit (No RNase A)EE101-1150 rxns
    EE101-12200 rxns
    EasyPure® Plant Genomic DNA KitEE111-0150 rxns
    EE111-02200 rxns
    EasyPure® Plant Genomic DNA Kit (No RNase A)EE111-1150 rxns
    EE111-12200 rxns
    EasyPure® Blood Genomic DNA KitEE121-0150 rxns
    EE121-02200 rxns
    EasyPure® Blood Genomic DNA Kit (No RNase A)EE121-1150 rxns
    EE121-12200 rxns
    EasyPure®Marine Animal Genomic DNA KitEE151-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Marine Animal Genomic DNA Kit (No RNase A)EE151-1150 rxns
    EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA KitEE161-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit (No RNase A)EE161-1150 rxns
    EasyPure® Food and Fodder Security Genomic DNA KitEE171-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Micro Genomic DNA KitEE181-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® FFPE Tissue Genomic DNA KitEE191-0150 rxns
    MagicPureTM Blood Genomic DNA Kit (with Magnetic Stand)EC101-0150 rxns
    MagicPureTM Blood Genomic DNA KitEC101-1150 rxns
    MagicPureTM Circulating DNA Kit (with Magnetic Stand)EC201-0150 rxns
    MagicPureTM Circulating DNA KitEC201-1150 rxns
    EasyPure® Plasmid MiniPrep KitEM101-0150 rxns
    EM101-02200 rxns
    EasyPure®HiPure Plasmid MiniPrep KitEM111-0150 rxns
    EasyPure®HiPure Plasmid MaxiPrep KitEM121-0110 rxns
    ArtMedia® Plasmid CultureEM201-0195 ml+5 ml
    EasyPure®PCR Purification KitEP101-0150 rxns
    EP101-02200 rxns
    EasyPure® Quick Gel Extraction KitEG101-0150 rxns
    EG101-02200 rxns
    TransZolTMET101-01100 ml
    TransZolTM UpET111-01100 ml
    TransZolTM PlantET121-01100 ml
    EasyPure® RNA KitER101-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Viral DNA/ RNA KitER201-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Plant RNA KitER301-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® Blood RNA KitER401-0150 rxns
    TransZolTM Up Plus RNA KitER501-01100 rxns
    EasyPure® miRNA KitER601-0150 rxns
    EasyPure® RNA Purification KitER701-0125 rxns
    MagicPureTM Viral DNA/RNA Kit (with Magnetic Stand)EC301-0150 rxns
    MagicPureTM Viral DNA/RNA KitEC301-1150 rxns
    RNAhold®EH101-01100 ml
    DNase I (RNase-free )GD201-011500 units
    RNase A GE101-011 ml
    Proteinase K GE201-011 ml
    2×RNA Loading BufferGH201-011 ml
    RNase-free waterGI201-0125 ml
    TransNGS rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)KD101-016 rxns
    KD101-0224 rxns
    KD101-0396 rxns
    MagicPure RNA BeadsEC501-011 ml
    EC501-025 ml
    EC501-0360 ml

  11. Gene Expression

  12. pEASY®-Blunt E1 Expression KitCE111-0110 rxns
    pEASY®-Blunt E2 Expression KitCE211-0110 rxns
    ArtMedia® Protein ExpressionCP101-0195ml+5ml
    BL21(DE3) Chemically Competent CellCD601-0210×100 µl
    CD601-0320×100 µl
    BL21(DE3) pLysS Chemically Competent CellCD701-0210×100 µl
    CD701-0320×100 µl
    Transetta(DE3) Chemically Competent CellCD801-0210×100 µl
    CD801-0320×100 µl
    TransB(DE3) Chemically Comptent CellCD811-0210×100 µl
    BL21 Chemically Competent CellCD901-0210×100 µl
    CD901-0320×100 µl
    pEASY®-Blunt M2 Expression KitCM211-0110 rxns
    pEASY® -Blunt M3 Expression KitCM311-0110 rxns

  13. Protein Extraction, Purification and Detection

  14. ProteinExtTMMammalian Total Protein Extraction KitDE101-01100 ml
    ProteinExtTM Mammalian Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction KitDE201-0150 rxns
    ProteinExtTM Mammalian Membrane Protein Extraction KitDE301-0150 rxns
    ProteinExtTMMammalian Mitochondria Isolation Kit for Cultured CellsDE401-0150 rxns
    ProteinExtTMDE501-0150 rxns
    ProteinSafe Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-Free (100X)DI101-01500 μl
    DI101-021 ml
    ProteinSafe Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X)DI111-01500 μl
    DI111-021 ml
    ProteinSafe Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (100X)DI201-01500 μl
    DI201-021 ml
    ProteinIso® Ni-NTA ResinDP101-015 ml
    DP101-0225 ml
    ProteinIso® Ni-IDA ResinDP111-015 ml
    DP111-0225 ml
    ProteinIso® GST ResinDP201-0110 ml
    ProteinIso® Protein A ResinDP301-015 ml
    ProteinIso® Protein G ResinDP401-015 ml
    ProteinRuler® I (12-80 kDa)DR101-01250 µl
    DR101-02500 µl
    ProteinRuler® II (12-120 kDa)DR201-01250 µl
    DR201-02500 µl
    ProteinRuler® IV (30-200 kDa)DR401-01250 µl
    DR401-02500 µl
    Blue Plus® Protein Marker (14-100 kDa)DM101-01250 µl
    DM101-02500 µl
    Blue Plus® II Protein Marker (14-120 kDa)DM111-01250 µl
    DM111-02500 µl
    Blue Plus® III Protein Marker (14-160 kDa)DM121-01250 µl
    DM121-02500 µl
    Blue Plus® Ⅳ Protein Marker (10-180 kDa)DM131-01250 µl
    DM131-02500 µl
    EasySee® Western Marker (25-90 kDa)DM201-01250 µl
    DM201-02500 µl
    EasySee® Western Marker (with EasySee® Western Blot Kit )DM201-11250 µl+100 ml
    DM201-12500 µl+200 ml
    EasySee® II Western Marker (30-150 kDa)DM211-01250 µl
    DM211-02500 µl
    EasySee® II Western Marker (with EasySee® Western Blot Kit)DM211-11250 µl+100 ml
    DM211-12500 µl+200 ml
    EasySee®Western Blot KitDW101-01100 ml
    DW101-02200 ml
    6× Protein Loading BufferDL101-025×1 ml
    Easy Protein Quantitative Kit (Bradford)DQ101-01100 ml
    Easy II Protein Quantitative Kit (BCA)DQ111-01100 ml
    ProteinEleTM Precast Tris-Glycine GelDG101-018%,10/Box

  15. Cell Culture and Detection

  16. TransSerum®HQ Fetal Bovine SerumFS101-02500 ml
    TransSerum® EQ Fetal Bovine SerumFS201-02500 ml
    DMEM, High GlucoseFI101-01500 ml
    RPMI 1640 MediumFI201-01500 ml
    TransIntro® EL Transfection ReagentFT201-010.75 ml
    FT201-022×0.75 ml
    Penicillin-Streptomycin (100×)FG101-01100 ml
    L-Glutamine (100×)FG201-01100 ml
    Trypsin (+EDTA)FG301-01100 ml
    Trypsin (-EDTA)FG301-11100 ml
    G418FG401-015 ml
    PBS (1×)FG701-01500 ml
    TransDetect® Single-Luciferase Reporter Assay KitFR101-0150 rxns
    FR101-02200 rxns
    TransDetect® Double-Luciferase Reporter Assay KitFR201-0150 rxns
    FR201-02200 rxns
    TransDetect® Cell Counting Kit (CCK)FC101-011 ml
    FC101-025 ml
    FC101-032×5 ml
    FC101-046×5 ml
    TransDetect® Annexin V-FITC/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection KitFA101-0125 rxns
    FA101-0250 rxns
    TransDetect® Annexin V-EGFP/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection KitFA111-0125 rxns
    FA111-0250 rxns
    TransDetect® In Situ Fluorescein TUNEL Cell Apoptosis Detection KitFA201-0125 rxns
    FA201-0250 rxns

  17. Antibodies

  18. ProteinFind® Anti-c-Myc Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT101-0150 µl
    HT101-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT201-0150 µl
    HT201-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-HA Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT301-0150 µl
    HT301-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-V5 Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT401-0150 µl
    HT401-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-His Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT501-0150 µl
    HT501-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-GST Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT601-0150 µl
    HT601-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-MBP Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT701-0150 µl
    HT701-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-GFP Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHT801-0150 µl
    HT801-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-β-Tubulin Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHC101-0150 µl
    HC101-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-β-Actin Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHC201-0150 µl
    HC201-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Anti-GAPDH Mouse Monoclonal AntibodyHC301-0150 µl
    HC301-02100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L),HRP ConjugateHS101-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), FITC ConjugateHS111-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), PE ConjugateHS121-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), AF488 ConjugateHS131-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L),HRP ConjugateHS201-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), FITC ConjugateHS211-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), PE ConjugateHS221-01100 µl
    ProteinFind® Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), AF488 ConjugateHS231-01100 µl
    TMB ELISA SubstrateHE101-01100 ml
    Super TMB ELISA SubstrateHE111-01100 ml

  19. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) こちらも

  20. NGS関連試薬はこちら

  21. その他の製品

  22. T4 DNA LigaseFL101-0110000 units
    FL101-0220000 units
    DMT Enzyme GD111-01200 units
    DNase I (RNase-free )GD201-011500 units
    RNase AGE101-011 ml
    Proteinase KGE201-011 ml
    IPTGGF101-011 ml
    X-galGF201-011 ml
    AmpicillinGG101-011 ml
    Kanamycin GG201-011 ml
    ChloramphenicolGG301-011 ml
    6×DNA Loading BufferGH101-015×1 ml
    2×RNA Loading BufferGH201-011 ml
    6× Protein Loading BufferDL101-025×1 ml
    ddH2OGI101-0125 ml
    RNase-Free waterGI201-0125 ml
    GelStainGS101-01500 µl
    GS101-021 ml
    GS101-035×1 ml
    AgaroseGS201-01100 g
    T7 High Efficiency Transcription KitJT101-0125 rxns


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電話: 052-262-6732
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