
モノクローナル抗体 作製 受託サービス [ハイブリドーマ]

GL Biochem (Shanghai) Ltd.によるモノクローナル抗体作製の受託サービス[ハイブリドーマ方式]をご案内致します。




Monoclonal package 1
(From protein to ascites purification)
  • SDS-PAGEによる蛋白質チェック
  • 免疫化と血清採取
  • ELISA同定
  • 融合とhybridoma development
  • アイソタイプ決定
  • 腹水の産生と精製 (2 clones)
  • 2 clones (Petaka)
  • 2-5mgの精製抗体
  • ELISA結果
  • アイソタイプ決定結果
  • プロジェクト報告書

モノクローナル抗体作製 -基本的な流れ-

Step 1: 抗原の準備

  1. タンパク支給の場合: 免疫用で少なくとも5 mg、ELISA用で少なくとも1 mg
  2. ペプチド合成の場合: メーカーで合成 (3-4週) *ご支給も可

Step2: 免疫 (8-10週)

マウス: BALB/C mice, 6-week-oldを6匹


Day050ul pre-immune sera and 1st-immunization with CFA (Complete Freund's adjuvant)
Day212nd-immunization with IFA (Incomplete Freund's adjuvant)
Day353rd-immunizaiton with IFA
Day45serum collected for ELISA test
We will provide ELISA data and ELISA protocol to you by e-mail
Maybe more times of immunization are needed for high serum titer. There are 2 weeks' interval between two adjacent immunization.

Step3: ハイブリドーマの作製とスクリーニング (2-3週)

Day 50Strengthen-immunization for 2 mice with PBS
Day 54collection of positive serum and perform two hybridoma fusions based on highest antigen binding titer
Day 64-68ELISA test for cell culture supernatant and select positive clones;
Identify positive antibodies' subtypes
Day 69-83Provide ELISA data to you for check and we will provide 200ul culture supernatants for each positive hybridoma's. We will keep 10-20 clones of ELISA positive and keep all the positive clones at most of 2 week for message delivery.
Day 84Make sure the hybridomas the client selected.

Some positive clones will be lost in the process of subcloning and expanding. So we should start 10-15 clones at the beginning for guaranteeing 5-10 clones.

Step4: サブクローニング (4-5週) - 5-10 clones

Day71ELISA test for cell supernant and select positive
Day82ELISA test for cell supernant and select positive
Day83-day84ELISA test for cell supernant and select positive
Day84-90Choose 1 subclone with the highest ELISA titer for each positive hybridoma

Step5: ハイブリドーマの増殖とモノクローナル抗体の産生 (5-10 clones)(4-5週)

Day 91Injecting 2 mice with liquid paraffin for each clone
Day 91-98Cells expanding culture
Day99ELISA test for cell supernant; Identify all the clones still postive
Day92Injecting the hybridoma to mice intraperitoneally
Day100-106Collect ascites
Day107-114Antibody purification by protein A/G and ELISA test

Step6: 同定

ELISA>1:80000(Affinity purified antibody)

5-8 months are needed for all the process in total.



メール: biologica [at] biologica.co.jp
電話: 052-262-6732
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